Signing of the Agreement between OIE and the Government of Japan


Signing of the Agreement between the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Government of Japan regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific of the OIE

1. On 20 December 2019, Dr Monique Eloit, Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and Mr Koji Abe, Charge d’Affaires ad interim of Japan to France signed in Paris, France, “the Agreement between the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Government of Japan regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific of the World Organisation for Animal Health”.

2. OIE is an intergovernmental organisation responsible for improving animal health and welfare worldwide and was created by the International Agreement on “Establishment of Office International des Epizooties in Paris” in 1924 (Headquarters in Paris). It now has a total of 182 Members and Japan joined the OIE in 1930.

3. The OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as “OIE RRAP”) was established in Tokyo, Japan, in June 1992 as the first OIE regional representation office in the world, following the endorsement by the 58th World Assembly of OIE Delegates (1990).

4. This Agreement is to provide the OIE RRAP and its staff members with the necessary privileges and immunities and it will facilitate the activities of the OIE RRAP in Japan.

5. This Agreement shall become effective upon the 30th day after the exchange of official documents notifying the acceptance of the Agreement (the approval by the National Diet is required for this in Japan).

[Reference 1]

The Agreement between the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Government of Japan regarding Privileges and Immunities of the Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific of the World Organisation for Animal Health

[References 2]

The OIE has its Regional Representation offices in 5 regions of Asia-Pacific, Americas, Middle East, Africa and Europe. Each office plays a central role in collecting and disseminating animal health information, prevention and control of animal diseases, and ensuring food safety in each region.

[Contact Information]

Mr Rodney de Souza, Head of the Legal Affairs Unit, World Organisation for Animal Health, France

Tel: +33 1 44 15 19 58