OIE Virtual Sub-Regional Meetings: "Wildlife health networks in Asia & the Pacific"


On Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th June, 2021, OIE RRAP and SRR-SEA held meetings with the sub-regions—East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia and South East Asia—to discuss wildlife health networks.


At the recent sub-regional meetings in wildlife health in Asia and the Pacific, interest was expressed by participants to develop better networking for wildlife health. As the meetings highlighted some commonalities but also several differences between sub-regions, a series of meetings was arranged to discuss wildlife health networks separately in each of the sub-regions. Networks provide an opportunity for ongoing information sharing between key professionals working on wildlife health, taking account of geographically relevant issues. This virtual meeting explored the development of national, sub-regional or regional networks in line with the specific needs of Members.

There was active engagement from all sub-regions in the small group meetings to discuss wildlife health networking.  In the “new normal”, connections such as email and virtual meetings were heralded as key to developing and maintaining networks.  Topics of interest were identified to explore further within wildlife health networks, including some common topics throughout the Asia and the Pacific region such as wildlife disease surveillance and wildlife disease reporting.

Agenda and Presentations
Summary report from sub-regional meetings on wildlife health

Good Practices in Wildlife Health in Asia and the Pacific Region