TICAD7 Side Event

TICAD7 Side Event: Fighting Against Zoonoses in Africa: Japan-OIE Cooperation Program


An epidemic of zoonoses leads to serious situations, especially in Africa, and insufficiency of technical capacity in institutions and human resources are challenging issues to tackle. The OIE organized a side event at the 7th Session of the Tokyo International Conference for Africa Development (TICAD7) in order to strengthen cooperation between Japan and the OIE towards solving problems relating to zoonotic diseases in Africa.

The event began with the opening remarks by Dr Toshiko Abe, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Mr Kohjiro Takano, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries followed by introduction of the program by Mr Hiroshi Kato, Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Dr Jean-Philippe Dop, Deputy Director General of OIE.

In the first session, the OIE and JICA agreed to cooperate to fight against zoonoic diseases in Africa and signed a Letter of Intent for OIE-JICA partnership.

In the second session, the Dr Karim Tounkara, OIE Regional Representative for Africa, gave the presentation on the zoonotic disease challenges currently faced by Africa. After the presentation, a panel discussion on prevention and control of zoonoses in Africa was held by the experts.

  • Dr Jean-Philippe Dop (OIE)
  • Dr Karim Tounkara (OIE)
  • Prof. Hiroshi Kida (Hokkaido University)
  • Dr Takao Toda (JICA)
  • Dr Victor Mukonka (Zambia National Public Health Institute)


Zoonotic disease challenges currently faced by Africa_Dr Karim Tounkara, OIE RR Africa
Zoonotic disease challenges currently faced by Africa_Dr Karim Tounkara, OIE RR Africa

PDF - 367.50KB

Addressing challenges in Africa: the OIE-JICA partnership_Dr Lesa Thompson, OIE RR AP
Addressing challenges in Africa: the OIE-JICA partnership_Dr Lesa Thompson, OIE RR AP

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History of collaboration between University of Zambia and Hokkaido University_Prof Kida, Hokkaido Univ
History of collaboration between University of Zambia and Hokkaido University_Prof Kida, Hokkaido Univ

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