Capacity building in value chain analysis


During Phase 1 of the Project “enhancing countries’ capacity to detect, control and prevent the spread of priority transboundary animal diseases”, a needs assessment identified value chain analysis as an area where capacity building was essential.

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE) is organising a series of activities to build and strengthen capacity in value chain analysis, composed of webinars and field activities leading to the analysis of cross border value chains in the target countries.



Module 1. Introduction to animal value chain (24 March 2021)

Module 2. Sociological Approach (7 April 2021)

Module 3. Analysis to construct value chains (21 April 2021)

Module 4. Practical qualitative risk analysis (5 May 2021)

Module 5. Animal disease risk reduction (19 May 2021)

This activity is funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment.